1-1 Coaching
that works

by Plamen Savov

Plamen Savov - Key Message - Benefits of Coaching

One key message as you move on…

Writing about the Benefits of Coaching is as if pointing to a beautiful sunrise. While a picturesque description of it may be useful, being there and capturing that moment yourself makes all the difference.

If you have been referred to this website or have come across it online, my wish for you is to see through the words, make the next step, and experience a powerful coaching conversation yourself.

Is having a life coach for me?


Yes, if

You are willing to improve the quality of your life
You seek clarity in areas that are important to you
You are open to exploring new possibilities
You feel ready to do you first
You are committed to taking one step at a time
You have tried on your own for too long
You are open to receiving the gifts of coaching

Likely not, if

You have already arrived where you want to be
You have all the answers
You are convinced that there’s only one way to go
You feel that having time for yourself is not important
You are happy discussing ideas but not taking action
You have tapped on more resources than you need
You are half-hearted about this coaching thing

What Is Your Journey?


From a Place of

1. Struggle (?)
2. Confusion (?)
3. Stuckness (?)
4. Self-doubt (?)
5. Dissatisfaction (?)
6. Avoidance (?)
7. Procrastination (?)
8. Underperformance (?)
9. Self-sabotage (?)
10. Lack (?)

To a Place of

1. Ease
2. Clarity
3. Freedom
4. Confidence
5. Fulfillment
6. Relationship
7. Leadership
8. Achievement
9. Self-love
10. Abundance

Plamen Savov Yoga - Align with Your True Nature

What support could you get?

Align with your true nature.


“Thank you, Plamen, for holding space for me and being so supportive as I worked through my challenge with returning to work. You are truly a wonderful Coach!”
– Jessica M.

“Plamen knows how to ask the right questions at the right time, and that leads to a lot of breakthrough moments.”
– Izabela G.

“Mr. Plamen is a true professional. He is easy to work with, and he has taught me valuable professional and life lessons. I’m thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with him!”
– Dave A.

I gained clear awareness of how I want to create the future and how to move forward. My awareness occurred not only while the session was in progress but also at the time when I was reflecting on myself alone. I believe this transformational, thought-provoking experience will empower me to conquer any challenges I may face in life. I consider it to have been a valuable and highly beneficial experience being coached by coach Plamen.
– Hiroki S.

Plamen made a great coach for me… He was professional, compassionate, enquiring, thoughtful, and responsive to my needs as a client. We explored a variety of topics, all under the umbrella of work-life balance. After coaching with Plamen, I felt calmer, more organised, refreshed, untangled, and clearer in the differences between what I thought I wanted and what I actually wanted.
– Mary B.

“I had an excellent coaching session with Plamen, and I can totally recommend him! His aura is so calming, and I already got so many tips for my struggles with my nervousness”
– Patricia W.

“His compassion and empathy created a safe and supportive environment for me to explore my thoughts and emotions… I highly recommend Plamen's coaching to anyone seeking personal growth and transformation.”
– Cathleen B.

“Plamen has a wonderful presence with his clients. He is calm, warm, and light. He has what seems to be a very natural ability to create the space for his clients to be at ease rapidly.”
– Claire M.

“Plamen helped me a lot in discovering and finding solutions to my current issues.”
– Abdur R.

“Plamen was very professional and insightful… He was able to ask me thought-provoking questions that are helpful. His calm demeanour is also refreshing. Glad that I was able to speak with someone like him!”
– Gizele K.

“Plamen has certainly chosen the right path for himself as a Life Coach... My mind is clearer as to how I’d like to move on with the topic we discussed.
– Flo F.

“Plamen has the best listening ear and pays very close attention to details. I would definitely recommend him.”
– Confidence E.

A new understanding

Two dear friends met each other. One said, “I miss you.” The other replied, “I miss me, too.”

The story happened in 2020, and although it belongs to this exact time in history, I still find it valid today.

What’s fascinating to me about this whole concept here is that it doesn't ask you to go learn something new, explore an unknown territory, step out of your comfort zone, overcome obstacles, break through barriers.

No. It's actually an invitation for you to tune in and to reconnect with something that you’ve already done, you've enjoyed, and has been authentically you.

So do you miss you?

Bringing this message to your awareness today as a reminder and over to you to decide how to use it for your own benefit.

Born to Be Coached™

Give yourself permission to live the life you want.

Nationalities Coached to Date: 31
Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.