Plamen Savov - About - The Story of

The story of…

“An ordinary person.” These were the words that I was most afraid to hear about myself…

Such was my reality until I started appreciating the light in every human being around me, recognizing their experience, and seeing their true potential. Then being called ‘just a human’ became a compliment by itself.

Some of the most defining moments in my life have been related to the craft of learning and development. Whether I was flying the ocean to attend a training program, volunteering at school camps abroad, leading people, or living in silence during a meditation retreat, every single time, the insights I gained opened a whole new world of possibilities.

Coaching connected many of the dots for me. It worked so well that after one coaching call, I made a public statement that I was born to be coached. Today, as a coach, it is my mission to share this gift with others.

Over the years, there have been a variety of titles attached to my name. These are a few that I still find relevant today:

☼ ICF Associate Certified Coach
☼ Consultant and Head of People
☼ Ministry of Entrepreneurship Certified Coach
☼ Certified Yoga Teacher
☼ Random Acts of Kindness Ambassador

A bio like this only scratches the surface of what’s the essence of an individual. So what’s your story?

What is your core?

About Me - Plamen Savov - Signature