‘Perfect Person’

Perfect Person - Plamen Savov - Inner Flame Journal

I have tried to be a perfect person and failed over again.

I have more flaws than I could possibly 'fix' in this lifetime.

I have tried to be a perfect person for all and failed over and over again.

Failed in my ability to make it happen.
Failed in my desire to make it happen, too.

I was taught that trust is either 100% or 0.
You either trust somebody or not.

Could you trust unconditionally and not doubt?

I have tried to be a perfect person for me and succeeded.

I learned that self-acceptance is either 100% or 0.
I either accept myself or not.

It couldn't be 0. No.
I chose 100% and it changed my life.

I wish I were a perfect person for one or a few.
Those who can see perfection in the imperfections.

P.S. I am perfectly fine with that.


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