One Step at a Time

STEP 1: Free Coaching Conversation

This 45-minute alignment call is the starting point of working together. You are welcome to pose a question that you would like us to explore about your life situation. Through the coaching process, you are going to gain greater awareness around the subject and take away new insights that you can put into practice.

Note: This is not a get-to-know-each-other session. It is not a demo or a sales pitch either. This is a true coaching call, with the only limitation being the amount of time that we have.

STEP 2: Deep Coaching

After completing Step 1 and if deemed suitable, you can be invited for a follow-up free coaching conversation. This time, we are going to remove the limitation of having ‘not enough time’ and deep-dive into a topic of your choice for up to 1h 45 min. Such conversation is often transformational for the coachee. By the end of it, you are going to be able to identify and remove some of the obstacles on your way, discover more possibilities, and have an actionable plan in place.

STEP 3: Shift Sessions

At this point, you will have experienced some of the benefits of coaching, and you may develop an interest in continuing your coaching journey. What’s coming up next is a set number of 1-hour, usually weekly or biweekly, shift sessions that are going to address more of your goals and challenges.

There are two coaching tracks that you can sign up for depending on the coverage you would like to have: ACTIVATE (6 sessions) and DEDICATE (12 sessions). These programs are a blend of evidence-based core and custom modules.

STEP 4: Coaching Habit

As you conclude your coaching program from Step 3, you could decide to either upgrade to another program or take a break. If you are looking to sustain the coaching habit and the momentum it creates in your life, you will be able to sign up for regular check-in calls and coaching on demand.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • A life coach engages you in self-directed learning and helps you reach your goals. The coach plays the role of a thought & accountability partner on your path from the place you are at to where you want to be. As a concept, coaching has its origin in sports. Think of a world-class sports player that you admire. Do they have a coach? Most champions do. This could be applicable to life too.

  • No. It is not a necessity per se. However, you might WANT to have a coach. A coach makes your journey smoother and more guided.

  • Each coaching conversation is individual. It is a 1-on-1 online call, and you will be receiving the full attention of the coach. There is no group coaching provided in the current context.

  • The majority of applicants tend to qualify for a 45-minute free coaching conversation. Then a smaller percentage of them get a chance to experience deep coaching for free. So there is an opportunity to receive up to 2h 30 min of free coaching.

  • As long as coaching is serving you well, dedicating this extra time is totally worth it. Of course, there is a limited number of calls that one can schedule in a week. If you are truly motivated to continue being coached, make sure you express your interest after the first conversation.

  • Coaching is not therapy. In coaching, we are focused on the present and creating the future. Addressing any form of trauma or past experiences is not within the scope of work.

  • Yes. Coaching holds a safe space for communication. All conversations are private and confidential.

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