Questions on Inner Calm & Relaxation

Questions on Inner Calm and Relaxation - Inner Flame Journal

1) How do you relax after a rough day?
When thinking about relaxing after a hard day, consider your physical, mental, and emotional being.

What would be good for your body?

  • Sleep, a quick nap

  • Stretching, light exercise, yoga

  • Going for a walk

  • Getting a massage

  • Having a refreshing shower

  • A warm drink, healthy nutrition

What would be good for your mind?

  • Breathing exercise, slow breaths

  • Reading

  • Creating art

  • Play

  • Listening to music that relaxes you

  • Presence, focusing on the here and now

What would be good for your emotions?

  • Taking a pause

  • Journaling

  • Humor

  • Uplifting social interaction

  • Time with a pet

  • Expressing your feelings, sharing

2) How do I access calmness and stillness by myself?

Calmness and stillness are your default states. When our minds start racing at a high speed is when we get anxious.

Slow down, pause, take a few deep breaths, get in touch with the sensations in your body, and you’ll find that inner smile of calmness and stillness within you.

3) What is the one thing that changed your perspective on life?

The understanding that I can choose the way I see the world.

4) What's the most wholesome thing you ever saw or experienced?

Attending a meditation retreat for me counts as one of the most wholesome experiences.

Wholesome food, wholesome daily practice, and a wholesome state of mind have all added to the richness of the experience.

It has also gone along with the opportunity to be in nature and observe its beauty. There have been little to no distractions, just peace and joy.

What’s curious is that once we get tuned to those vibes, we tend to find them out in the “real world”, too.

5) How can one set up a limitation in their own mind?

It is the only way we do it.

There is a saying that all limitations are self-imposed.

A limitation is essentially a thought or a sentence in our mind.

Does that mean we have to control our thoughts? Not necessarily. Just realize their nature.

A thought has no agenda, no meaning before we assign one to it. A thought is not a fact. It is transient; it comes and goes.


Questions on Direction & Diversion


Live in the Present Moment